Better Safe Than Sorry

Sprinkler Systems, Fire Risk Assessments, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Prevention & Safety, Fire Warden Training

Fire is often at the back of our minds, making it a shock when the worst happens, and we may not remember what to do. There are several beliefs and misconceptions about fire too, making it even more dangerous. We all know how important fire safety is, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. Here are a few things people ask in relation to fire prevention.

  • Do I need to test my fire alarm and emergency lighting?

Fire alarms should be tested and recorded each week, with a different point being tested each time. Emergency lighting needs to be tested and recorded once a month, and both should be tested by a competent person annually.

  • Should I buy fire extinguishers?

Most businesses and organisations need to provide an extinguisher for every area measuring 200m2. Each floor should also have two, unless the premises are very small. There are guides available with advice on which type of fire extinguisher your business premises needs.

  • Fire Risk Assessments

Fire risks must be assessed in order to protect you and others from injury, so this process is crucial. Only when all concerned are aware of any potential issues can you implement effective prevention.

  • What is a fire safety order?

This order outlines the minimum fire safety standard in all non domestic premises with only a few exceptions. The employer in the workplace is the Responsible Person (RP), who has to plan and manage fire prevention and deal with emergencies.

  • Where can I get fire safety training?

Fire Prevention experts like Fire Logistics offer fire prevention and fire fighting equipment along with in depth fire assessments and training. Our basic safety awareness courses and fire safety training are tailored to suit your specific needs. Also our comprehensive website has information on the types of extinguisher available and their uses.

Bespoke Design, Installation, Maintenance of Fire Sprinkler & Extinguisher Systems for Domestic, Commercial, Industrial & Local Authority

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